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"Stay as Presence"
Yoga & Meditation

Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, and restorative relaxation that support people and organisations to experience personal and/or group transformation.

Let’s try stillness
Let’s stop
Use the space between one breath and other
One movement and the next
One thought and the next
Be still
Let’s collectively experience the experiencer of silence and stillness
Let’s stop getting distracted by choice
Let’s meditate and be still.

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Oscar Carrillo is an international Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Teacher, who has since 2002 been working in various facets of the yoga practice.

Had lived the last 18 years in different countries in Africa, Europe, and South America and now based in Frankfurt-Germany keeps teaching in vary places traveling through Africa, Europe and America sharing his programs "TRUE SELF A YOGA JOURNEY " &  "STAY AS PRESENCE"  in seminars, workshops, single sessions, Kundalini YogaTeacher Trainings, and meditation-pranayama workshops, wherein many of them he shares as "Donation-Based Class" as a way to collectively facilitate the yoga practice for many that for different reasons don't have the access to it, therefrom the name of "collective yoga"


Oscars Klassen sind immer wieder ein tolles Ereignis das mich wieder zu mir selbst finden lässt und den Weg des Yogi als Resonanzerfahrung deutlich macht! :)Since it is available for German- as well as Englishspeakers, sometimes Even Spanish ;) , it has a certain intercultural touch as well, more than Most other classes around, which in fact I like a lot! 

Jonas U Age 33 / Frankfurt am Main


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